All 95 Counties in Tennesseee Are Encouraged to Trashercise!
The Trashercise movement continues as the theme for 2022 Keep Tennessee Beautiful Month and this year’s Great American Clean-up Kick-Off. The people of Tennessee have already Trashercised at more than 120 events, combining exercise and litter clean-up. The goal for 2022 is to Trashercise Across Tennessee, in all 95 counties.
The Great American Cleanup offically concludes on December 31, 2022. In that spirit, Trashercisers are encouraged to register ASAP and contribute to the success of Keep Tennessee Beautiful and The Great American Cleanup. The good news is, KTnB's Trashercise Across Tennessee campaign continues throughout the year. Participants can either collect trash individually or in a Trashercise Tribe. For safety precautions, it is recommended to divide Trashercisers into small teams of no more than five people. Trashercisers can log the pounds of trash collected and the time through the virtual race app, which is free to download on your mobile devices.
All who register for Trashercise Across Tennessee will receive a water bottle sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Transportation.
Register for Trashercise Across Tennessee HERE
A little Trashercise history
Trashercise started 16 years ago in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee by resident Aubrey Preston. One day while working out at the gym, Aubrey had an idea to create a program that would encourage people to exercise and pick up trash in his community. After sharing his idea with friends, family and colleagues in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee, he decided to put those ideas into a plan of action. Thus, the Trashercise movement was born.
Aubrey created Trashercise as a fun community event with the dual benefits of roadside clean-up and exercise. Approximately 150,000 pounds of trash have been collected over the past 16 years. The success of Trashercise at the local level has inspired Keep Tennessee Beautiful to continue the movement with the goal of Trashercising in all 95 counties in Tennessee. .
Contact Information
For additional information about Trashercise Across Tennessee please contact Keep Tennessee Beautiful at info@keeptnbeautiful.org.